NMMS SUBS 2024/2025
See the different Subs amounts at the bottom of this web page...
***Due to NZ Privacy Laws we need to let you know we are required to pass your details on to the NZRYA....Refer to the  (NMMS Privacy Statement)
NOTE: It is a requirement of the Society's affiliation to the NZRYA that all active sailing members are affiliated to the NZRYA and their boats have current registration. If affiliated though another club or direct please indicate below
The NMMS Constitution states:
(11) The subscriptions become due and are payable at the date of the Annual General Meeting. No member whose subscription is unpaid one calendar month from the date of the Annual General Meeting shall be entitled to be at General Meetings or to any other privilege of the Society including qualifying for points or prize money until his subscription is paid. 
(12) Any member whose subscription is unpaid after the 31st Day of January, shall be removed from the  Society Membership Roll
To compete in sanctioned events NZRYA Affiliation Fees must be received by 30th September 2024.

Payment of subscription and levy to be made direct to the Club Account

ASB - NMMS 12-3030-0504078-00
Reference: your name          Particulars: Subs
Electronic or direct payment only please

If your boat is not currently registered with the NZRYA contact the NZRYA Registrar at registrar@nzrya.org.nz  or your National Class Association (i.e DF65/95)
Full Member                                        $ 50.00
Additional Family Member                  $ 15.00    (<18 Yrs and living at same address)  - additional $10 NZRYA levy still applies.
Associate Member (non sailing)          $ 15.00

If joining NMMS for the first time the following part year subscriptions apply:

From 01 Jan 2025 to 31 March 2025    $ 30.00
From 01 April 2025 to 30 June 2025     $ 20.00
***If you have more than 4 boats we can suggest a good place to seek help...contact the Commodore confidentially.
   (He can share his own support network)
Individual Affiliation levy @ $ 10.00 per member **(Everyone unless affiliated elsewhere).
NZRYA Financial year runs OCT-SEP but we collect their levies now and forward them on.